Proof copy of the paperback version

I decided not to release my book Entreprenerd before I received proof copies of the hardcover and the paperback version. I'm still waiting for the hardcover, but I received a "Not for Resale" copy of the softcover today.

Entreprenerd Paperback Front cover

Entreprenerd Paperback Back cover

Entreprenerd Paperback Spine

The book consists of three parts:

Entreprenerd: start of Part I

Entreprenerd: start of Part II

Entreprenerd: start of part III

These are some pictures of the content:

Entreprenerd: sample pages

Entreprened: sample pages

I'm quite happy with the result, but I'll let the release date depend on the hardcover version. If that proof copy arrives soon and it looks OK, I might release as early as next week. For more info, visit the Entreprenerd website.

Topics: entreprenerd


Book cover Entreprenerd
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