Entreprenerd Website: April 2022

I received great news in April: iText Group NV was acquired by PDTron. As a result, the "We don't talk about Bruno" rule at iText (imposed by the previous majority shareholders) was lifted. I was even asked as a speaker at the next iText event in June. The acquisition led to more searches on my name, and those searches resulted in more sales of Entreprenerd. Additionally, I was asked as a speaker at another event where every attendee will receive a free copy of the paperback in their goody bag. I'm still waiting for some more numbers before publishing an update on the sales, but I can already tell you that they look great.

Analytics Entreprenerd Web Site: users January 2022

For some reason, the engagement time isn't shown in the chart showing how many users visited the site. On another chart, I can see that it dropped from 4 seconds to 3 seconds. The increase of visitors (+9.3%) was distributed globally, but most visible in the United Kingdom (+70.2%), Japan (+38.1%), France (+34%), China (+15.0%), and Germany (+12.2). India was the big exception (-22.3%). Of course, such percentages are nothing exceptional if you only have a couple of hundred visitors. How different things were when I wrote posts like this about the iText web site.

Analytics Entreprenerd Web Site: world January 2022

As usual, you almost can't distinguish different sources because Google Analytics qualifies most visits as "(direct)". Baidu and Google are ranked second and third, as usual. LinkedIn reappears in the top 5, not because I posted more about the book, but because people looked up my LinkedIn profile after the acquisition of iText by PDFTron. From the LinkedIn profile, they found the website about the iText story.

Analytics Entreprenerd Web Site: acquisition January 2022

The Google Search clicks increased too (from 19 to 24), although the total number of impressions dropped (from 1.86K to 1.38K).

Analytics Entreprenerd Web Site: search January 2022

Let's hope that the upcoming events will create some more buzz about the book, because I'm still far from breaking even despite the great sales in April. But that's a topic for a Book Sales blog post.

Topics: entreprenerd


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